Tarot Tips

When it comes to Tarot, we've been there, done that, now serving 137 tips in 20 categories ranging from Adding Depth to Vocabulary.


The suit of Pentacles is considered to be female energy and represents the astrological signs of Taurus,Virgo and Capricorn. When representing time, this suit is read as years and represents Fall.



The suit of Swords is considered to be male energy and represents the astrological signs of Gemini,Libra, and
Aquarius. When representing time, this suit is read as months and represents Winter.

What is the suit of cups associated with?


The suit of Cups is considered to be female energy and represents the astrological signs of Cancer,Scorpio and
Pisces. When representing time, this suit is read as days and represents Summer.

What is the suit of wands associated with?


The suit of Wands is considered to be male energy and represents the astrological signs of Aries,Leo, and Sagittarius. When representing time, this suit is read as weeks and represents Spring.

How do I use the seasons to predict timing?

Using seasons

Each card is representative of one of the four season. This is the most general of all time
forecasting methods, but can still give you an idea of the time of year to expect an event to take


Using astrology

Each card has an astrological relationship and can give you an idea of when something will
happen. You need to know a little something about astrology to use this method because it is
based on the sun and moon in relationship to their houses.

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Byron White