Spreads Tips

Read these 15 Spreads Tips tips to make your life smarter, better, faster and wiser. Each tip is approved by our Editors and created by expert writers so great we call them Gurus. LifeTips is the place to go when you need to know about Tarot tips and hundreds of other topics.

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What is the meaning of card four in the celtic cross spread?

Card Four

The fourth card in the Celtic Cross spread is located above card three and beside cards one and
two. This card gives the events that have happened recently that have had an effect on the

What is the Cletic cross spread?

Layout and uses

The Celtic Cross is the most widely used and best known spread. It is also commonly the first
spread a new reader uses. The Celtic Cross uses ten cards that represent the querent, the
present, past, and future, and energy surrounding the situation. This spread is used for a more
indepth look into a situation and is helpful when the querent is working through a problem.

What is the meaning of card six in the celtic cross spread?

Card Seven

Card seven starts the “staff” part of this spread and is located to the right of card six. The seventh
card is laid across from card three. This card focuses on the fears of the querent regarding the


Card Six

The sixth card is located directly beside cards on and two on the right. Card six completes the
“cross” part of the spread. This card is the future forecast. This card can also be looked at as an
indication of timing.


Card One

This card is the significator. It is chosen to represent the querent. The querents current state of
mind and feelings about the situation should be expressed in the choice of card.This card is placed
in the middle of the table.

What is a horoscope spread?

Layout and uses

The Horoscope spread uses twelve cards that represent each month of the year. This spread is
like the one card spread in that it gives an overall view of each months tone.



The layout of the Celtic cross suits it's name. The idea behind the layout is a cross with a staff.
There are 10 cards in this spread with 6 in the “cross” and 4 in the “staff”.

What is a Three card spread?

Layout and uses

Three card readings are usually representing the past, present and future of a situation. The first
card drawn is the past, the second is the present, and the third is the future. This spread gives
more insight than a one card reading, but is used for the same basic purpose of getting an overall
view of a situation.

What is a one card spread?

Layout and uses

A one card reading uses one card. This spread is usually used to give an overall view of a

What is the meaning of card two in the celtic cross spread?

Card Two

The second card covers card one and is always read in the upright position. This card is going to
tell the opposition to the situation.


Card Ten

Found directly above card nine this is the final card in this spread. This is the final outcome. What
will ultimately end up happening if all goes well. This card can also be looked at for an indication of

What is the meaning of card nine in the celtic cross spread?

Card Nine

Card nine is located directly above card eight. This card is advice on what to do to reach the final
outcome that will be told by card ten.

What is the meaning of card three in the celtic cross spread?

Card Three

The third card is below and to the left of cards one and two. Here you will see where the querent's
question is coming from. The importance of this card can sometimes be overlooked because the
querent may think this is a no-brainer. The reason for this card is due to the fact that sometimes
people don't realize that the current problem in their life stems from something much deeper.

What is the meaning of card five in the celtic cross spread?

Card Five

Card five of this spread is located directly above cards one and two. This is where the spread
gives a glimpse into the future. This card tells what can happen if the situation is allowed to
continue on its present course. This is the future if circumstances do not change.


Card Eight

This card is located directly above card seven. Card eight tells how the querents friends, family
and other people in his/her life feel about the situation.

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Byron White